Knut Vaage (NO) – 2nd Movement Meditation
Notenedition Vol. 3 – hier erhältlich: SHOP
Piano piece „2nd Movement Meditation“ – Aufführungen
25. Februar 2016 – Uraufführung – Klavierhaus Klavins, Bonn – Susanne Kessel, Klavier
11. März 2016 – Arp Museum, Rolandseck – Susanne Kessel, Klavier
28. Mai 2017 – Klavierhaus Klavins, Bonn (DNG) – Susanne Kessel, Klavier
4. Dezember 2017 – Festival Nieuwe Muziek, Zwolle – Susanne Kessel, Klavier
30. Januar 2023 – Pantheon Theater, Bonn „Beethoven Piano Club“ – Michael Korstick, Klavier
Knut Vaage (*1961)
Knut Vaage lives in Bergen where he works as a composer. He graduated as pianist and composer from Griegakademiet in Bergen. From the Norwegian Academy of Music he has received a professional certificate as a lecturer in composition. Vaage has worked in different styles of music, though concentrating on improvised and contemporary music. Many of Vaage’s projects have investigated the boundaries between improvisation and composed music. His music has been regularly performed on concerts and at festivals in Norway and abroad. Website Knut Vaage
Fotogalerie: Knut Vaage zu Gast in Bonn bei „250 piano pieces for Beethoven“
25. Februar 2016, Klavierhaus Klavins
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