Leander Ruprecht (DE) – Sonata in D minor / (2nd-version)
Leander Ruprecht über sein piano piece „Sonata in D minor / (2nd-version)“
“The piece makes reference to the third movement of the piano sonata no. 17, in D minor, by Ludwig van Beethoven. It is something like a shadow of the Beethoven corresponding sonata, as it uses the same time signatures as the Beethoven sonata and the ’stormy character‘, which can be achieved in my piece, by creating the anxious ’stormy‘ sound with the timpani mallets. The piece ends and starts with a slightly modified Beethoven quote. Sonata in D minor/(2nd version) can, or should be played after, or before the Beethoven piano sonata No. 17, in D minor.”
Notenedition und CD Vol. 1 – hier erhältlich: SHOP
Piano piece „Sonata in D minor / (2nd-version)“ – Aufführungen
29. November 2015 – Uraufführung – Bonner Kunstverein – Susanne Kessel, Klavier
23. August 2015 – Studio der Beethovenhalle, Bonn – Susanne Kessel, Klavier
Leander Ruprecht (*1999)
Leander Ruprecht, born in Düsseldorf, started piano lessons at the age of 7 with Yoshimi Yamamoto and since 2011 he’s been studying composition with David P. Graham and Christian Banasik in Düsseldorf. He has also visited many composing seminars in the university of music and dance, Cologne and the Folkwang university Esssen. Additional he has received lessons with Michael Beil and Philipp Vandre. He participated in composing course with Dieter Mach, Annette Schlünz, Helmut Zapf, Sebastian Ellikowski-Winkler, Peter Michael Hamel and Mark André. He has worked or will work together with the emex ensemble Essen, members of the Berlin Philharmonic, Susanne Blumenthal, Hannah Weirich, Paul Hübner, Susanne Zapf, Sabrina Ma, Irene Kurka, and Susanne Kessel. Already there’s been several performances of his music in the Tonhalle Düsseldorf and from the Berliner Philharmonie. Leander Ruprecht lives in Düsseldorf.
Fotogalerie: Leander Ruprecht zu Gast in Bonn bei „250 piano pieces for Beethoven“
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