Olav Anton Thommessen (NO) – BEETHroot. A meditation on op. 111
Olav Anton Thommessen about “Beethroot. A meditation on op. 111”:
“I have always been fascinated by Beethoven’s use of the trill. He uses these “coloured unisons” shifting from a minor second trill to a major second in passages where he can modulate using his technique.
In op. 111 he ends with a dazzling display of trills, and my piece is a meditation and amplification of this passage using Beethoven’s favorite device: the trill.”
Piano piece “BEETHroot. A meditation on op. 111” – in concert:
21. November 2015 – world premiere – Bonner Kunstverein – Susanne Kessel, piano
About Olav Anton Thommessen (*1946)
Olav Anton Thommessen is a Norwegian composer. He trained in the United States, earning degrees from Westminster Choir College and Indiana University. He is a former professor of composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music, where he was employed in 1972. He won the Nordic Council Music Prize in 1990 for his composition “Gjennom Prisme” for cello, organ and orchestra. Thommessen’s compositions include numerous symphonic works, chamber music pieces, and vocal music works. He has written several operas. Olav Anton Thommessen, Wikipedia
Photo gallery: Olav Anton Thommessen in Bonn at concert of”250 piano pieces for Beethoven”
21. November 2015, Bonner Kunstverein
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