Aaron Tyutyunik

Aaron Tyutyunik  

Aaron Tyutyunik (US) – Sunrise. A tribute to Beethoven

Aaron Tyutyunik about his piano piece “Sunrise”

“My piece is called Sunrise because it is both a tribute and a continuation to the famous moonlight sonata ( as in the sunrise after the moonlight). I often quote Beethoven’s work in the piece so that the listener knows that what I wrote is, above all else, a way to show love for one of my favorite composers. Enjoy!”

Special thanks to Jon Deak and Jessica Mays (The New York Philharmonic Very Young Composers, USA) for guidance and support.

“Sunrise” – in concert:

9th September 2019 – world premiere – Historisches Gemeindezentrum Bonn – Susanne Kessel, piano

Aaron Tyutyunik (*2005)

I am a proud member of the  Very Young Composers Bridge program in New York. I have been composing since I was 8, playing the piano since I was 4, and loving music since I was born. I have written pieces for both solo piano and ensembles with woodwind, string, and percussion instruments.