Miklós Sugár (HU) – L.v. B. alio modo
Miklós Sugár about his piano piece “L.v. B. alio modo”:
“The piano piece L.v.B alio modo was composed at the turn of the year 2018-19. It is a short commemoration on the Beethoven anniversary.
Beethoven’s Sonatas made a very deep impression on me in my early childhood . Since and now I can only admire his musical construction, the very modern harmonies compared that age, and the deep passion, which radiates from every piece.
In the center of the piece there is a short detail of the Waldstein-Sonata which was heavily transformed according to my ideas, to the 21. century composition language. I feel a strong relationship inspite having been separated by us for two centuries. The piece contains two short details also from one of my previous pices, so I try to garantee continuity between the high respected composer, Beethoven and my age.”
“L.v.B. alio modo” – in concert:
6. June 2019 – Galerie Wechselstrom, Vienna – Susanne Kessel, piano
Miklós Sugár (*1952),
composer and conductor, a real specialist in contemporary chamber music. In 1991 he established EAR-Ensemble (Electro-Acoustic Research) and gives regularly many concerts both in Hungary and abroad premiering and performing new compositions of mainly live-electronic repertoire. As a composer , in his music there are elements from the Hungarian folk music, sometimes repetitive music, sometimes live electronics, but his style is absolutely individual, can not compare with any schools or groups. In the musical forms he considers classical forms for important. He means, that a strong contact with the performers is very important, and many times, especially at live electronic music, they shape together the final version of the pieces.
Miklós Sugár was awarded in Hungary with Erkel -Prize and Bartók-Pásztory-Prize. His works are published by EMB and AKKORD Music Publisher sas well as available on HUNGAROTON CDs